Fallout 76 Cheat Multihack – ErectusReborn ESP, Teleport

Fallout 76 Cheat Multihack – ErectusReborn

-Player/NPC/Container/more ESPs
-Automatic looter
-Weapon editor
-Automatic damage (kills enemies around you with absolutely no effort)
-One Position Kill (Moves all enemies into a pile right in front of you for easier killing)
-Position Spoofing (disappear from player/NPC view)
-S.P.E.C.I.A.L. editing
-Character editor (redo your character like the in-game character creator)
-Reference Editing (swap objects on the server)
-Item Transferring (move items from one container to another without either being near each other or you)
-Nuke Codes
-Teleporter (go anywhere on the map at any time without fast travel costs)
-More coming soon!

F1 = Player ESP toggle
F2 = NPC ESP toggle
F3 = Container ESP toggle
F4 = Item ESP toggle
F5 = Flora ESP toggle
F6 = Entity ESP toggle
F7 = Debug ESP toggle (second number from the top is the REFID for use in REFID swapping or item transfer)
CTRL + A = Scrap autoloot toggle
CTRL + S = Item autoloot toggle
CTRL + Z = Auto Send Damage toggle
CTRL + X = Tag mode toggle

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to everyone adding this to vanilla MC launcher, Add “-noverify” to JVM Launch arguments for it to work.


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